ISSUES 12, 13 & 14 BUNDLE
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January 2009
• 52 Pages
• 1,200 Printed
• Digital Printing
Victor Gastelum did the cover art for this issue, and no, that is not Damian Franko on the cover. Pedro Bob helped out with the layout on this one. Ian MacKaye came to Pedro (with help from the Rise and Fall) and did a question and answer gig at Sunken City Skates. We took two of the stories that he told that night for this issue. One story is a detailed account of the Teen Idles’ sketchy trip to California, the other is about when FEAR played on Saturday Night Live and Lorne Michaels asked Ian to bring “real punks” to the taping. Both are great stories. Halbadal sits down with beer and raps with Brian Brannon of JFA about … you guessed it, “skate shit.” A smarty pants interview with Triclops! that will make you feel kinda dumb. A “Pedro Art Damage” feature on artist Shanty Cheryl, nice shots. Vinnie Vegas brings back the “Pedro Heads” section and this time it’s Frankie “Ha-Ha” Lipanovich ... LOL. Kelly K.O. gives her opinion on the Barack Obama, John McCain election. El Beardo gives us an update on the Channel Street Skatepark. “New Bands in Town” are Absorbing Jr., Black Sparrow Press, Solamusica and Sonadora, brought to you by Coco Chappelle. Tito has some things to say about the Pacific Diner. A kooky comic piece by Scott Aicher called “Everyday Heroes.” More Charles Bukowski poems, more reviews, more everything.
May-August 2009
• 40 Pages
• 1,200 Printed
• Offset Cover / Digital Guts
Triskaidekaphobia? We here in San Pedro, CA embrace the number 13 for many reasons, but we won’t get into that. Issue 13 features an up to date interview with “outlaw artist,” Shepard Fairey on various topics that should quiet all the skeptics. Shepard also did the cover art for this issue. We talk with former pro skateboarder, rocker and record label owner, Todd Congelliere about his San Pedro based Recess Records, and what it takes to keep it going for over 20 years. Halbadal talks shit with up and coming L.A. rippers, Stab City on various hilarious subjects. Great skate photo spread mostly of the local San Pedro, DIY, Channel Street Skatepark and a couple other spots supplied by El Beardo. Former SST Records co-owner and writer, Joe Carducci gives us his take on political cycles and music undergrounds. A fair, but true restaurant review of Niko’s Pizzeria, brought to you by the Smut Peddlers own John Ransom. Our regular “Hanks Ghetto” page featuring Charles Bukowski poetry with Linda Bukowski’s permission of course. Another cool Scott Aicher comic, plus tons of reviews and much more.
October 2009
• 40 Pages
• 1,200 Printed
• Offset Cover / Digital Guts
Number 14 has a bit of a uniqueness going for it that we can’t give away just yet. Oh fuck it – the entire issue is hand drawn, OK? That means there were no photos used by us, at least. Artist Michael Sieben did the cover, how cool is that! 14 starts off with a piece Halbadal calls “Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants,” in which he interrogates the four main San Pedro Skatepark Association accomplices about past, present and future skate gibberish, mostly about the Channel Street Skatepark. Artist Victor Gastelum jives with Brooklyn, New York’s own Japanther on subjects from 9/11 and Katrina to juicing and warrior training. Shanty Cheryl gives us the skinny on the Bay Area duet, the Street Eaters. Todd Congelliere has a short talk with Aaron Cometbus on some Pinhead Gunpowder thangs. Vince Giobbe shovels Mexican food with Epic Debauchery. New band in town spiels by Cheryl and Coco featuring Bombón, The Couches, Last Day Off, Stoned At Heart and That’s Incredible. John Ransom gives his take on various “John Wayne” breakfasts and the Gaffey Street Diner. More tantalizing poems by Charles Bukowski. A Wire influenced Scott Aicher Comic. Lots of art provided by Aaron White, Elvis Segarich, Halbadal, Victor Gastelum, Joel Morales and Craig Ibarra, among others, plus tons of more goodies.