$10.00 On Sale
August-November 2004
• 48 Pages
• 1,200 Printed
• Offset Printing
I am really into the movie Apocalypse Now. The cover is this black and white promo photo of Walter E. Kurtz (Marlon Brando) that was pinned to the wall of Frog’s apartment up on 40th Street and I asked him if I could borrow it. There you go, thanks Frog. A story of the filming of The Lords Of Dogtown in San Pedro, plus a sneak-peak interview with the associate producer, Canada Gordon. An awesome run down by Sean Cole of a short Toys That Kill Tour of Japan titled “I Think I’m Turning Japanese.” Jesse “Luscious” Townley’s run for Berkeley city council. Interviews with The Leeches and Japanther. Halbadal’s Foxy Autopsy mad libs. Part one of an awesome interview with Mike Brinson about the early LA. hardcore punk days. A piece on George W. Bush’s incriminating resume. Pedro Bob gives an opinion titled “Pedrocentric.” A Channel Street update. Vinnie Vegas’ do's and don’ts. Comics by Scott Aicher and Victor Gastelum. Live reviews and our first batch of free records for review, WOW!
January-April 2005
• 48 Pages
• 1,000 Printed
• Offset Printing
The cover art was done by an artist named Patri and it was on the outside wall of the Maritime Museum in San Pedro. The art was for a “Pile Drivers” exhibit that they had there and the piece was photographed by Robert Ibarra. This issue features an interview with Mike Watt talking about his rock opera record titled The Secondman’s Middle Stand. Quite a long one here. Interviews with the Red Onions, Rolling Blackouts, Big Bob of Agression and Vadge Moore (ex-Dwarves). Big Thorn sits down with 10½-year-old Ethan White to talk a little ‘bout bass. Part two of a piece called “Another State Of Brinson.” Mike Brinson has some great stories about his adventures roadying for Youth Brigade and Social Distortion on the Another State Of Mind tour. “El Beardo’s Corner.” Beardo lets us know what’s really going on in town. Skate, surf, music, partying, … you name it. Pedro Bob gives us some history on the Vincent Thomas Bridge. Comics by Scott Aicher and Jacob Gaxiola. Live reviews, record reviews and all kinds o’ shit.
January-April 2006
• 52 Pages
• 1,500 Printed
• Offset Printing
The cover photo was taken at an L.A. protest in September 2005 by Andy Harris. Lots of good shit in this one. A memorial piece on Steven R. Jensen (Stevo) from the Vandals titled "Stevo’s Wild Ride, The Last E Ticket," written by Iris Berry with cool Stevo pix taken by Brian Tucker. A rare interview with The Evens. Halbadal interviews the Knockout Pills. Nada interviews activist Chris Venn of the San Pedro Neighbors For Peace and Justice. Part two of a Saccharine Trust (Jack Brewer & Joe Baiza) interview performed by S.A. Griffin. A never before published interview with Adam Bomb of The Faction done in 1985. The latest dirt on the Channel Street Project. An article on the Wicked Wahine bowl & street skate contest (girls only) at Etnies skatepark in Lake Forest, CA. Pedro Bob gives us some history on Harbor Blvd. A recap of Brian Swilley's (Jerico's dad) "slam dance" tips from the Another State Of Mind film. A cool Brian Walsby comic titled "It Will Never Happen Again." A short memorial page for the late Randy "Biscuit" Turner written by Mike Watt. Cool comic by Scott Aicher titled "The Sulking Bulk Draws A Comic." Steve "Bono" Albano is the featured "Pedro Head," (El Beardo's choice). A Daewon Song centerfold. Charles Bukowski's Ghetto, gig reviews, record reviews and much more.